Kampuni ya tumbaku ijulikanayo kama Alliance One Tobacco imeingiza miche ya mikaratusi toka nchini Kenya yenye Magonjwa na kuisambaza kwa wakulima wilayani Serengeti.
Magonjwa hayo ni ugonjwa wa kukauka miche pamoja na ugonjwa wa mizizi (Eucalyptus root disease)imebainika na wataalamu toka maabara ya Chuo kikuu cha Sokoine (Morogoro) kwamba magonjwa hayo hayatibiki, ila ugonjwa unaweza kudhibitiwa kabla haujaibuka kwa kupiga dawa iana ya Acephate au Confidor wakati miche ipo kitaluni kabla ya kupandwa shambani.
Kitaalamu nashauri kabla ya kuingiza mbegu au miche ni lazima uchunguzi ukafanyika kwa kina ili kugundua kama kuna magonjwa ambukizi, kwa sababu kuna aina zaidi ya 200 za mikaratusi
kwa ushauri zaidi kwa mtu anayetaka miche au mbegu za miti, basi awasailianae na wakala wa mbegu za miti wa taifa (TTSA) ambao wapo Morogoro eneo la kihonda, pamoja na hayo baadhi ya tafiti zimeonyesha kwamba mikaratusi inaathari kwa mazingira kwa sababu inatumia kiasi kikubwa cha maji na kusababisha ukame hasa kipindi hiki cha mabadiliko katika tabia nchi
WITO sehemu kama serengeti ambapo ni urithi wa dunia nashauri makampuni na watu binafsi wajitahidi kupanda miti ya asili na kuachana na hii miti ya kigeni kama mikaratusi, sijaelewa pia kwa nini miti itoke nchi jirani ya Kenya wakati wangeweza kuanzisha vitalu hapa hapa nchini kwa kutumia mbegu ambazo tunazo tena za miti ya asili
Karibuni kwenye blog yangu ambayo najaribu kutoa elimu kidogo niliyo nayo. Kama unataka kufanya kilimo, ufugaji wanyama, ufugaji wa samaki, ufugaji wa nyuki, kilimo cha miti ya mbao, kilimo cha majani na malisho ya mifugo, utaalamu wa mbolea na udongo katika mazingira halisi ya ki Tanzania basi wasiliana nami (mitiki1000@gmail.com) NB sihusiki na habari za masoko ya bidhaa yoyote ya kilimo na mifugo, kabla hujaingia kwenye mradi fanya utafiti wa masoko wewe mwenyewe
Friday, January 7, 2011
Nchi ya Ujerumani imeeingia katika kashfa baada ya mayai na kuku kukutwa na kirutubishi ambacho ni sumu aina ya dioxine ndani yake, inaaminika kwamba kirutubishi hicho kilisambazwa kati ya mwezi Novemba na Disemba mwaka jana kwa kampuni 25 za kutengeneza vyakula vya mifugo.
Sumu hiyo iligundulika katika majimbo 7 nchini Ujerumani wiki iliyopita, lakini wiki hii kimegundulika nchini Uholanzi ambapo Ujerumani iliwauzia mayai na kuku walioathiriwa na sumu hiyo.
Kiasi cha mayai 136,000 (toka kampuni mbali mbali za kuzalisha mayai )tayari yamegundulika kuwa na sumu hiyo, sumu hiyo iliingizwa katika virutubishi chakula (concentrates) kiasi cha tani 3000 ambazo zilinunuliwa na kutumiwa na makampuni mbali mbali.
mayai na kuku wote wenye sumu hiyo wakizuiliwa kuuzwa kwa matumizi yz Binadamu, Uchunguzi unaendelea ilikujua kama sumu hiyo ipo kwenye mazao menine ya mifugo kama nyama za ng;ombe na nguruwe, maziwa n.k
Sumu hiyo iligundulika katika majimbo 7 nchini Ujerumani wiki iliyopita, lakini wiki hii kimegundulika nchini Uholanzi ambapo Ujerumani iliwauzia mayai na kuku walioathiriwa na sumu hiyo.
Kiasi cha mayai 136,000 (toka kampuni mbali mbali za kuzalisha mayai )tayari yamegundulika kuwa na sumu hiyo, sumu hiyo iliingizwa katika virutubishi chakula (concentrates) kiasi cha tani 3000 ambazo zilinunuliwa na kutumiwa na makampuni mbali mbali.
mayai na kuku wote wenye sumu hiyo wakizuiliwa kuuzwa kwa matumizi yz Binadamu, Uchunguzi unaendelea ilikujua kama sumu hiyo ipo kwenye mazao menine ya mifugo kama nyama za ng;ombe na nguruwe, maziwa n.k
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Dalili za kuwepo wanyama waaribifu aina ya panya zimeoneka wilayani kilombero na hivyo wakulima kutahadhariswa juu ya kuibuka kwa panya, panya hao wameanza kuonekana maeneo ya Mlimba, ifakara, Mgeta, na Mangula wilayani humo.
Pia kumekuwa na dalili ya kuibuka kwa viwavi jeshi baada ya mitego iliyotegwa katika vijiji vya Kiberenge, Mpanga na Mikoleko kuwanasa Nondo ambao ni dalili ya kuibuka viwavi jeshi
Dalili za panya hao na viwavi jeshi kushambulia mahindi na mpunga zimeoneka kiasi cha wiki kadhaa na kumfanya mkuu wa wilaya ya Kilombero Bw Evarist Ndikilo kuwasiliana na mkurugenzi wa wilaya hiyo ili kupata viuatilifu (dawa za kuua wadudu) ili kukabiliana na panya pamoja na nondo hao kabla madhara hayajawa makubwa.
Bw Ndikilo amewataka maafisa tarafa wote kutoa taarifa kwa Wakulima ili juhudi za kupambana na panya na viwavi jeshi ziwe za kushirikiana pamoja na Wakulima ambao ndio wadau wakuu wanaoufanya mkoa wa Morogoro kuwa ghala la Taifa
Pia kumekuwa na dalili ya kuibuka kwa viwavi jeshi baada ya mitego iliyotegwa katika vijiji vya Kiberenge, Mpanga na Mikoleko kuwanasa Nondo ambao ni dalili ya kuibuka viwavi jeshi
Dalili za panya hao na viwavi jeshi kushambulia mahindi na mpunga zimeoneka kiasi cha wiki kadhaa na kumfanya mkuu wa wilaya ya Kilombero Bw Evarist Ndikilo kuwasiliana na mkurugenzi wa wilaya hiyo ili kupata viuatilifu (dawa za kuua wadudu) ili kukabiliana na panya pamoja na nondo hao kabla madhara hayajawa makubwa.
Bw Ndikilo amewataka maafisa tarafa wote kutoa taarifa kwa Wakulima ili juhudi za kupambana na panya na viwavi jeshi ziwe za kushirikiana pamoja na Wakulima ambao ndio wadau wakuu wanaoufanya mkoa wa Morogoro kuwa ghala la Taifa
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Wilaya ya Masasi mkoani Mtwara imevamiwa na viwavi jeshi tangu mwisho wa mwaka 2010 na mwanzo wa mwaka huu na kuharibu zaidi ya Ekari 300 za mazao aina mbali mbali yalimwayo katika wilaya hiyo.
Viwavi hao wameonakena kwa wastani wa wiki mbili walionekana kwa wingi zaidi katika vijiji vya Mkaseka, Lulindi, Mbaju, Chigugu na Namalenga wilayani humo.
Wilaya za jirani ziliweza kuwasaidia wilaya ya masasi kwa kuwapa dawa za kuulia wadudu hao hatari kwa mazao, Wilaya ya Tandahimba ilitoa dawa kiasi cha lita 100 wakati wilaya yaNAnyumbu ilitoa kiasi cha lita 20 na kufanya kuwa na jumla ya lita 120. Mahitaji kamili baada ya makisio ya awali yalikuwa lita 150 kwa hiyo baada ya kupewa lita 120 kumekuwa na upungufu wa lita 30, hii ni kwa mujibu wa mkuu wa wilaya hiyo Nape Nnauye wakati akitoa taarifa hii.
Jitihada za kupiga dawa na mvua zinazoendelea kunyesha zimeonyesha matunda makubwa na sasa hivi wakulima wameanza tena kupanda mazao ya mtama, mahindi na mihogo.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
GLOBAL WARMING - a song by ALEX KAJUMULO (bush man)
Hi all
For those who are environmentalist or anyone who love our planet, our Brother Alex Kajumulo (bushman) has released a new song entitled GLOBAL WARMING. This song is concerning global warning and its effect world wide, now the song is used by many countries (including Russia)were by the song is being used to teach and educate students the effects of global warning, down here you can find the lyrics for the song written in English, for any one who needs lyrics translated to Russian, please contact me. For today lets watch another song From Bushman (Zuwena) while we are waiting a video of global warming song
Global Warming
It’s dangerous
Global Warming
You know it’s real
Global Warming
It’s dangerous
Global Warming
You got to think about it
People you got to listen
Think about your children
Think about your grany kids
Think about the nature
Think about the animals
Think about your children
Think about your grany
Where are they gonna go
Where are they gonna live
If you care about them
You destroy the mankind and nature
You destroy the animal home
Where are they gonna go
Where are they gonna live if you care about it
When you listen to this sound it’s a warning about global warming
It’s an original sound
By the bushman
Be careful about global warming
If you care about the future about your grand children or your children
By listening to the beautiful sound and original
Got to head the warning of the global warming
It’s a real thing, it’s a real thing
If you care about the children
Future generation got to act now some how
Be careful about global warming
If you care about the future of the future of your grandchildren or your children
The green house gasses how it’s polluting our planetary system
The ice caps melting, glaciers receding
Hey Kilimanjaro where did your snow go?
It’s dangerous, you know it’s real
Got to head the warning of the global warming
It’s a real thing, it’s a real thing
If you care about the children
Future generation got to act now some how
Global Warming
Global Warming
Global Warming
It’s a real thing
It’s dangerous
Global Warming
The future is now
Tomorrow is coming
You got to do the right thing
Think of the children and the children’s children
It’s dangerous
Global Warming
Global Warming
Global Warming
For those who are environmentalist or anyone who love our planet, our Brother Alex Kajumulo (bushman) has released a new song entitled GLOBAL WARMING. This song is concerning global warning and its effect world wide, now the song is used by many countries (including Russia)were by the song is being used to teach and educate students the effects of global warning, down here you can find the lyrics for the song written in English, for any one who needs lyrics translated to Russian, please contact me. For today lets watch another song From Bushman (Zuwena) while we are waiting a video of global warming song
Global Warming
It’s dangerous
Global Warming
You know it’s real
Global Warming
It’s dangerous
Global Warming
You got to think about it
People you got to listen
Think about your children
Think about your grany kids
Think about the nature
Think about the animals
Think about your children
Think about your grany
Where are they gonna go
Where are they gonna live
If you care about them
You destroy the mankind and nature
You destroy the animal home
Where are they gonna go
Where are they gonna live if you care about it
When you listen to this sound it’s a warning about global warming
It’s an original sound
By the bushman
Be careful about global warming
If you care about the future about your grand children or your children
By listening to the beautiful sound and original
Got to head the warning of the global warming
It’s a real thing, it’s a real thing
If you care about the children
Future generation got to act now some how
Be careful about global warming
If you care about the future of the future of your grandchildren or your children
The green house gasses how it’s polluting our planetary system
The ice caps melting, glaciers receding
Hey Kilimanjaro where did your snow go?
It’s dangerous, you know it’s real
Got to head the warning of the global warming
It’s a real thing, it’s a real thing
If you care about the children
Future generation got to act now some how
Global Warming
Global Warming
Global Warming
It’s a real thing
It’s dangerous
Global Warming
The future is now
Tomorrow is coming
You got to do the right thing
Think of the children and the children’s children
It’s dangerous
Global Warming
Global Warming
Global Warming
In order to reduce the harmful effects of global warming, the following steps should be taken
• Reduce the amount of waste products incurred by industrial plants that contribute to destruction of the ozone layer. Strict laws should be enforced that cut down on factory emissions of polluted air into the environment. Some examples of harmful pollutants are ethane, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and carbon monoxide.
• Encourage industries to develop technologies that use waste materials as raw materials. This will cut down on harmful emissions and reduce industrial waste.
• Use alternative sources of energy whenever possible. Alternative energy like hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar power should replace those energy sources like oil and coal that produce toxic gases like sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide. Factories should use low-sulfur fuels-high-sulfur materials mix with water vapor and create acid rain that damages the environment.
• Prevent industrialized countries from producing poisonous chemicals like chemical fertilizers that spread carbon monoxide into the environment.
• Plant more trees that soak up carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Afforestation and reforestation are the most important ways to reduce the harmful gases in the atmosphere that damage the ozone layer and increase global warming.
• Reduce the toxic gases motor vehicles eject into the atmosphere as exhaust fumes. We should focus research and resources on developing internal combustion engines that don't emit so much exhaust that can destroy the environment.
• Decrease intoxicants emitted by factories and cars. This can be done by using gadgets that convert smoke into vapor and carbon dioxide, which are currently being developed in many industrialized nations. Alternatively, we should try to make hydrogen fuel a more viable option than it is currently-hydrogen does not pollute the environment like oil and coal, but it's difficult to store and distribute.
• Reduce the amount of heavy industries in developed countries. The ozone layer is like a heavy blanket above the Earth's atmosphere that plays an important role in minimizing the amount of direct sun light that hits the Earth's surface. The ozone layer can be damaged by gaseous emissions from heavy industries in countries like the US, England, France, and others. Global warming results from industrial development and can be minimized if developed countries work to decrease exhaust from industrial plants.
• Reduce the production and testing of nuclear weapons. A nuclear explosion causes great harm to the environment, so we should discourage countries from testing them.
• Confront global warming worldwide. Global warming affects everyone in the world-its impacts are not confined to certain countries, like industrialized ones. All people throughout the world suffer from the impacts of global warming and a damaged ozone layer. Therefore, countries should work together to confront this problem as a unified movement. War and fighting throughout the world should not prevent countries from understanding that global warming affects everyone equally.
• Educate people about how to conserve the environment, and how important it is to practice conservation. This is the most important means to controlling the spread of global warming. Secondly, governments should work with industries to place filters in their exhaust systems so that fewer toxic chemicals are released into the atmosphere.
• Use more alternative sources of energy. Only when people put environmental conservation first and work to modify industries so that they don't harm the environment as much will we decrease the affects of global warming.
• Reduce the amount of waste products incurred by industrial plants that contribute to destruction of the ozone layer. Strict laws should be enforced that cut down on factory emissions of polluted air into the environment. Some examples of harmful pollutants are ethane, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and carbon monoxide.
• Encourage industries to develop technologies that use waste materials as raw materials. This will cut down on harmful emissions and reduce industrial waste.
• Use alternative sources of energy whenever possible. Alternative energy like hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar power should replace those energy sources like oil and coal that produce toxic gases like sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide. Factories should use low-sulfur fuels-high-sulfur materials mix with water vapor and create acid rain that damages the environment.
• Prevent industrialized countries from producing poisonous chemicals like chemical fertilizers that spread carbon monoxide into the environment.
• Plant more trees that soak up carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Afforestation and reforestation are the most important ways to reduce the harmful gases in the atmosphere that damage the ozone layer and increase global warming.
• Reduce the toxic gases motor vehicles eject into the atmosphere as exhaust fumes. We should focus research and resources on developing internal combustion engines that don't emit so much exhaust that can destroy the environment.
• Decrease intoxicants emitted by factories and cars. This can be done by using gadgets that convert smoke into vapor and carbon dioxide, which are currently being developed in many industrialized nations. Alternatively, we should try to make hydrogen fuel a more viable option than it is currently-hydrogen does not pollute the environment like oil and coal, but it's difficult to store and distribute.
• Reduce the amount of heavy industries in developed countries. The ozone layer is like a heavy blanket above the Earth's atmosphere that plays an important role in minimizing the amount of direct sun light that hits the Earth's surface. The ozone layer can be damaged by gaseous emissions from heavy industries in countries like the US, England, France, and others. Global warming results from industrial development and can be minimized if developed countries work to decrease exhaust from industrial plants.
• Reduce the production and testing of nuclear weapons. A nuclear explosion causes great harm to the environment, so we should discourage countries from testing them.
• Confront global warming worldwide. Global warming affects everyone in the world-its impacts are not confined to certain countries, like industrialized ones. All people throughout the world suffer from the impacts of global warming and a damaged ozone layer. Therefore, countries should work together to confront this problem as a unified movement. War and fighting throughout the world should not prevent countries from understanding that global warming affects everyone equally.
• Educate people about how to conserve the environment, and how important it is to practice conservation. This is the most important means to controlling the spread of global warming. Secondly, governments should work with industries to place filters in their exhaust systems so that fewer toxic chemicals are released into the atmosphere.
• Use more alternative sources of energy. Only when people put environmental conservation first and work to modify industries so that they don't harm the environment as much will we decrease the affects of global warming.
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